Forums - Im a ST(X) newbie, can someone explain........... Show all 13 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Im a ST(X) newbie, can someone explain........... ( Posted by Geronimo on 07:29:2001 06:41 AM: Im a ST(X) newbie, can someone explain........... ..............1.) how to do everyones super move, i know a couple by jus screwin around, but i cant figure out the rest cuz i got a burned one and i never got the manual. 2.) What are OG characters and how do i get them? 3.) How do i get Akuma or who/whatever? Thanks Posted by BrazilionBH on 07:29:2001 06:54 AM: EX options At the main menu, highlight the "Options" selection, then hold L + Y and press Start. -From: Play as Gouki/Akuma At the character selection screen, highlight Ryu, then hold Start and press LP + MP + HP. -From: and FK - Forward kick (middle kick) RK - Roundhouse kick (hard kick) Note: To choose the SSF2 version of a character, you must choose them with jab, then, while tapping jab, shake the stick either up and down (for Honda, Chun-Li, Guile, Dhalsim, Cammy, Sagat, and Vega(Bison)), or left and right (for Ryu, Ken, Blanka, Zangief, T-Hawk, Bison(Balrog), Fei Long, and Balrog(Vega)). ---begin movelist--- ----------------------------------- Balrog (Vega) - Kamen no Kikoushi ----------------------------------- Special Techniques Sankaku Tobi - near wall, push u+opposite direction Hissatsu Waza Rolling Crystal Flash - cb, f+P Flying Barcelona Attack - cd, u+K, P *# Sky High Claw - cd, u+P * X Scarlet Terror - cdb, f+K Short Backslash - 3K Backslash - 3P Super Combo Rolling Izuna Drop - cdb, df, db, uf+K, u+P (close to enemy) * These moves can be directed to either wall by changing the direction to ub or uf. u will choose the nearest wall. # When using this attack, after the wall-leap, just P will make Vega strike out with his hands; f or b+P when close will make Vega grab the opponent in an Izuna Drop. ------------------------------- Blanka - Daishizen no Yaseiji ------------------------------- Special Technqiues X River Slide - df+FP # Hissatsu Waza Rolling Attack - cb, f+P Electric Thunder - tap P repeatedly Vertical Rolling - cd, u+K Backstep Rolling - cb, f+K X Surprise Back - b+3K * X Surprise Forward - f+3K * Super Combo Grand Shave Rolling - cb, f, b, f+P # The River Slide will go under projectiles. * The Surprise Back/Forward are quick movement techniques, not attacks; they will go through your opponents and possibly hop over sweeps/low attacks. ------------------------------ Cammy - Mujaki no Killer Bee ------------------------------ Special Techniques None. Hissatsu Waza Spiral Arrow - qcf+K Cannon Spike - dp+K Axle Spin Knuckle - hcf+P X Hooligan Combination - db->uf+P, K * Super Combo Spin Drive Smasher - qcf, qcf+K * After performing the Hooligan Combination, when you press K determines what happens next. u+K makes Cammy drop from the move, without performing an attack. When close, if Cammy is near the opponent's head, she'll perform a Frankensteiner if f or b+K is pushed, and closer to the legs, she'll perform a different throw if f or b+K is pushed. If nothing is pushed, she'll land into a low-hitting slide. ------------------------------------- Chun-Li - Kuu o Saku Karei Naru Mai ------------------------------------- Special Techniques Backflip Kick - df+FK * Flipover Kick - df+RK * Sankaku Tobi - near a wall, press up+opposite direction Hissatsu Waza Kikouken - cb, f+P Hyakuretsu Kyaku - tap K repeatedly Spinning Bird Kick - cb, f+K (cd, u+K for SSF2 mode) X Tenshokyaku - cd, u+K Super Combo Senretsu Kyaku - cb, f, b, f+K * In SSF2 mode, these moves can only be done close to your opponent. ----------------------------------- Dee Jay - Aitsu wa Funky Jamaican ----------------------------------- Special Techniques None. Hissatsu Waza Air Slasher - cb, f+P Double Rolling Sobat - cb, f+K Machine Gun Upper - cd, u+P (tap P repeatedly) X Jackknife Maximum - cd, u+K Super Combo Sobat Carnival - cb, f, b, f+K -------------------------------- Dhalsim - Kokou no Yoga Senshi -------------------------------- Special Techniques X Limb Control - * Hissatsu Waza Yoga Fire - qcf+P Yoga Flame - hcf+P Yoga Teleport - dp/rdp+3P/3K # X Yoga Blast - hcf+K Super Combo Yoga Inferno - hcf, hcf+P * The Limb Control is only available in SSF2X mode. Dhalsim can choose the length of his limbs by holding b or f while performing an attack. Holding f extends the limb's length to a far distance; holding b keeps the limb close. In midair, the control is different; I have yet to fully explore this, but there are changes like Dhalsim's air Strong changing from an air-to-ground to an air-to-air attack. # The direction of the Yoga Teleport is determined by motion of direction, and the distance by the buttons; P for a long teleport, K for a short teleport. --------------------------------- E. Honda - Harite Juuban Shoubu --------------------------------- Special Techniques None Hissatsu Waza Super Zutsuki - cb, f+P Hyakuretsu Harite - tap P repeatedly Super Hyakkan Otoshi - cd, u+K X Ooichou Nage - hcb+P Super Combo Oni Musou - cb, f, b, f+P ------------------------------ Fei-Long - Fire Kung-Fu Hero ------------------------------ Special Techniques X Heel Drop Kick - f+MK Forward Step Kick - f+RK Hissatsu Waza Rekka Ken - qcf+P (up to 3 times) Shien Kyaku - rdp+K X Rekkukyaku - db->uf+K Super Combo Rekka Shinken - qcf, qcf+P ------------- Gouki - ??? ------------- Note: To select Gouki, put the cursor on Ryu or Ken and: hit Start+3P for Gouki, Start+3K for Shin Gouki, and Start+SP+FP+FK+RK for Ten Gouki. Special Techniques None. Hissatsu Waza Hadoken - qcf+P *# Shakunetsu Hadoken - hcf+P Tatsumaki Zankuukyaku - qcb+K * Goushoryuken - dp+P Ashura Senkuu - dp / rdp+3P / 3K ^ Super Combo Shungokusatsu - jp, jp, f, sk, fp ! * This move can be performed in midair. # For Gouki, this throws one fireball; for Shin or Ten Gouki, it throws two. ^ Like Dhalsim's Yoga Teleport, the direction of teleport is determined by the direction of motion, and the length is determined by the buttons; P for a long teleport, K for a short one. ! This is only available to Ten Gouki. ------------------------------ Guile - Shizuka naru Revenge ------------------------------ Special Techniques Flying Knee - f / b+SK Rolling Sobat - f / b+MK Heavy Stab Kick - f / b+RK Spinning Backfist - f+FP Hissatsu Waza Sonic Boom - cb, f+P Somersault Kick - cd, u+K Super Combo Double Somersault Kick - cdb, df, db, uf+K ------------------------ Ken - Kaettekita Rival ------------------------ Special Techniques None. Hissatsu Waza Hadoken - qcf+P Shoryuken - dp+P Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku - qcb+K * X Spinning Heel Kick - hcf+K # X High Roundhouse Kick - qcf+K # X Front Crescent Kick - f, df, d+K # Super Combo Shoryuureppa - qcf, qcf+P * This can be performed in midair. # If the K button is held during these moves, a second kick, the Inazuma Kakuto Wari (the heel dropping kick) is performed; this is an overhead. It will combo into the High Roundhouse Kick or the Front Crescent Kick, but not the Spinning Heel Kick. ---------------------------------------------- M.Bison (Balrog) - Nasakemuyou no Hard Punch ---------------------------------------------- Special Techniques None. Hissatsu Waza Dash Straight - cb, f+P Dash Upper - cb, f+K Turn Punch - hold and release 3P or 3K * Buffalo Headbutt - cd, u+P X Dash Ground Straight - cb, df+P X Dash Ground Upper - cb, df+K Super Combo Crazy Buffalo - cb, f, b, f+P ----------------------- Ryu - Eien no Fighter ----------------------- Special Techniques X Sakotsu Wari - f+SP X Rocket Punch - f+FP Hissatsu Waza Hadoken - qcf+P Shakunetsu Hadoken - hcf+P Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku - qcb+K * Super Combo Shinkuu Hadoken - qcf, qcf+P ------------------------------ Sagat - Kakutou Ou, Futatabi ------------------------------ Special Techniques None. Hissatsu Waza Tiger Shot - qcf+P Ground Tiger Shot - qcf+K Tiger Uppercut - dp+P Tiger Knee Crush - qcf, uf+K Super Combo Tiger Genocide - qcf, qcf+P ------------------------------------- T.Hawk - Ikareru Ikazuchi no Yuusha ------------------------------------- Special Techniques Splash Dive - in air, d+FP Hissatsu Waza Condor Dive - in air, 3P (d+3P for SSF2 mode) Tomahawk Buster - dp+P Mexican Typhoon - 360+P Super Combo Double Typhoon - FAB+P ------------------------------------- Vega(M.Bison) - Yami no Matou Majin ------------------------------------- Special Techniques None. Hissatsu Waza Psycho Crusher Attack - cb, f+P Double Knee Press - cb, f+K Head Press - cd, u+K * Devil Reverse - cd, u+P, P Super Combo Knee Press Nightmare - cb, f, b, f+K * After the Head Press, Bison will rebound in the air, and can be steered back to the opponent for another attack using P. ----------------------------------------------- Zangief - Daichi o Yurugasu Hagane no Nikutai ----------------------------------------------- Special Techniques Jumping Headbutt - b / f+SP / FP Body Splash - in air, d+FP Hissatsu Waza Double Lariat - 3P Quick Double Lariat - 3K Screw Piledriver - 360+P close to opp. Atomic Suplex - 360+K close to opp. Flying Power Drop - 360+K far from opp. X Banishing Flat - f, df, d+P Super Combo Final Atomic Buster - FAB+P ---end movelist--- There you go... Posted by Geronimo on 07:29:2001 07:12 AM: Thanks man, but will all this stuff work on the Japanese version, and what does OG actually stand for? Posted by BrazilionBH on 07:29:2001 07:14 AM: quote: Originally posted by Geronimo Thanks man, but will all this stuff work on the Japanese version, and what does OG actually stand for? There is only a jap version unless your playing disk 2 of the street fighter collection on ps... Posted by Nothingness on 07:29:2001 03:45 PM: o.g. stands for Original Gangsta(er).. seriously!! emphasis on the "original".... Posted by kalok on 07:30:2001 02:52 AM: shit!why capcom still retain the old.chars in st?they should only make akuma as the only secret char! Posted by BrazilionBH on 07:30:2001 03:36 AM: quote: Originally posted by kalok shit!why capcom still retain the old.chars in st?they should only make akuma as the only secret char! Akuma and shin auma arethe only hidden charas.. Posted by kalok on 07:30:2001 04:05 AM: no!secret char means char not directly show in the selection screen!so it is 17 secret char in st! capcom should not retain the old char from ssf2......cos ssf2 is a total failure! Posted by Nos99 on 07:30:2001 04:21 PM: OG characters are great addition IMO. The subtle changes make for totally different match-ups.. And where would we be without OG Sagat to pound everyone down with? Posted by kalok on 07:31:2001 02:35 AM: strange!why everyone keep saying old.sagat is better than the new?he can't soften throw and no sc! Posted by Geronimo on 07:31:2001 04:37 AM: Thanks for the help guys but i still have a couple of questions (sorry, bout this)........ 1.) Do i have to beat the game or sumthin to get Shin and Ten Akuma/Gouki? 2.) How do i know the the OG character select worked? 3.) Can someone give me EX option translations.... 4.) and a tiers list. Thanks a lot for all you help. Posted by kalok on 07:31:2001 01:13 PM: i can help u with the tier list...... Posted by kalok on 07:31:2001 01:17 PM: top tier:ryu,dhaslim,balrog and vega. secound tier:ken,guile,dj,chunli,sagat,honda and bison. third tier:blanka,zangief,t.hawk,cammy and fei long. All times are GMT. The time now is 09:46 PM. Show all 13 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.